Summoners War is a game where the player can setup his own team to fight against player of the whole world. Her passive pulls Shaina into her attack which reduces Shaina’s cooldowns so she can use her AoE stun and ATB bar reduce skill more often. L Mav, Basalt, Water Homie, Briand, Rica. Third skill has a 100% chance to AoE freeze and reset the enemies ATB to 0. And with our past teams we always ended up getting beated by RNG a view times. Third skill is pretty much a guaranteed full AoE stun which also gives Okeanos another turn right after so he can reduce his cooldowns faster. Введите имя и телефон, и наш специалист свяжется с вами, чтобы ответить на все интересующие вас вопросы. The team I use to auto the majority of ToAH is Veromos(L), Chasun, Briand, Basalt, Mantura~ The only floors off the top that need a little divine intervention on the boss are~ Female: Brownies, Monkeys, Rakan x2 Zeratu. AoE Cleanse your team every turn in case they get debuffed. Make sure to have a defense breaker, ATK buff, and lots of DoTs. Can auto up to around 80 usually besides some boss stages. THIS SITE AND THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ARE NOT ASSOCIATED, AFFILIATED, ENDORSED, OR SPONSORED BY COM2US. ToA is one of the best ways to get rewards in Summoners War. SWMASTERS, LLC. AoE attack speed slow debuff which is a great form of CC when combined with stuns and ATB reduction. Defense break on first skill, this is good on her because the type of team you use her with goes for max damage not DoT damage so you need defense break. Get Our Advanced Summoners War Guides - Learn More! Check out this awesome video on a decent farmable team for Trial of Ascension. well next HOH is Arnold so, i'm giving briand a chance. But my toa mons have my lowest quality runes (probably f3-c1 level runes) aside from verad and fireseaguy. Reply. Also note that not all my monsters are at 6* and it is not essential as well. ToAH was a little different. Je sais pas si c'est vraiment possible de monté très haut en ToaH en auto. Autos up to 99 and most boss floors. Best reviver for a ToA auto team, especially when paired with Chasun. Puts on 2 stacks of AoE DoTs with second skill. Which one should i build for TOAH auto team, Brians Vs Morris. Early Game Teams. As for rune quality, I'm c2-3 in normal arena, g2-g3 guild and planning to finish g1 in rta. Smart heal that will only be used when your monsters are low on HP. Some difficult floors will require you to build specific niche monsters or special team comps. Having 2 AoE abilities will allow her to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. ATK buff and ATB boost if you’re not using Galleon on lower floors. If paired with the right monsters and built with the right runes, she will let you auto all of ToA and ToAH faster than any other team. Skill 3 AoE reduces enemies ATB back to 0 and puts up attack speed slow (Between these two skills he brings a ton of CC), Leader skill: +33% Attack Power (good if you’re going for a full damage comp). AoE attack break and buff block which can be great on stages where enemies buff up a lot. Spectra. Provokes the enemy with an 80% chance, great for bosses but Mav is better because his is 100% chance. Being successful in ToA comes down too having tons of CC and using DoTs or the twins to kill the enemies. Auto doesn't work on akroma, ragdoll, Leo, or counter atk stgs. You can also use Basalt as a niche monster on the Akroma stages because you need a dark monster to tank Akroma. It wiped a couple times, if I remember right, on a bomber floor in the 70s or 80s, but I just repeated and it succeded, didn't pay much attention honestly. The third skill refreshes your entire team’s cooldowns so they can all use their big CC and DoT abilities two turns in a row. Other. (We even cover some crazy twins auto speed teams that can even auto the floor 100 boss stages.) Some hard boss floors will require having specific debuffs like slow and attack break or special abilities like attack bar reset and provoke. Which one should i build for TOAH auto team, Brians Vs Morris. Baretta, vero, basalt, betta, mav. this is the team im working to build (mantura instead of spectra though).. need 700 magic crystals left for water homie fully skilled. Leader skill: +25% Attack Power (good if you’re going for a full damage comp), First skill has a 50% chance to AoE put up attack speed slow, Second skill single target silences the target which is great for boss stages. 50% chance to AoE reduce enemies ATB by 30% and 100% chance to put up attack speed slow debuff with his third skill that’s only on a 3 turn cooldown. Her passive makes every attack reduce the enemies ATB by 25-50%, this is great for keeping the boss from moving since every turn she can attack speed slow and push back the ATB of the boss. Victory is all about having the best combination of teams and runes, so join us to share and improve your experience ! Wave 1 – Juno x3, Anavel x2 Wave 2 – Aria x3, Veromos […] Posts. February 25, 2021 Leave a comment Leave a comment Just wanted to get an idea of what others are using to Auto ToAh to at least 90. After few days didn't share something because blackout and wifi trouble, now I'm back lol. 3 months ago. Amazing for tanking stages with Ragdoll because he is a light monster with a passive that makes it so he doesn’t take more than 20% of his HP as damage per hit. VIEWS. Mind me asking your current stats and rune sets? While playing, summoners earn new runes and new characters to improve their team and help them become stronger. Her passive also increases the damage she and Shaina does by 35%. Auto nuke team, (Poseidon, Lushen, Galleon, Akha, Hwa) to about the 50s. Baretta (L) Mav Talc Amarna Water Homie, 100% auto all floors save 80, 90, 93, 100. In this Master Guide, I will be breaking down how to build the best Dragon’s Lair, Basement 10 (DB10) starter team, and speed teams. AoE puts all enemy’s skills on max cooldown. First skill puts up heal block debuff which is needed for some niche stages. Good healer for stages where you need heal block debuff like vs Halphas so he can’t heal and get his invincibility back. hide. I get that many people do use farmables to clear ToA 100 but I’d just like to re-emphasize the fact that a farmable team was used here. 2 talking about this. well next HOH is Arnold so, i'm giving briand a chance. Second skill defense breaks, atk breaks, and heal blocks which is important for some boss stages. … 3 debuffs make him a great pair with Water Homunculus to help him put up more DoTs. (His multi-hits makes him AoE reduce ATB by 30%). But we always struggled with TOAH 93 (Leo Ragdoll stage) on Lilith rota and always beated it with a semi-suicide dot team. Increases ally ATB which makes it easier to keep the enemies CCed. Having 2 AoE abilities will allow him to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. Having 3 AoE abilities will allow her to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. Great for speed clearing lower floors because she does huge AoE damage and will be able to use his AoE again if he kills one of the enemies. Single target attack speed slow + freeze. Skill 2 self-heals himself and provokes a single target which is needed on a lot of boss stages. The only floors I am unsure of about the auto is artamiel on toah90, but it works fine in 80~ First skill will put ATK break and Glancing hit debuff on bosses as a minor benefit. To be truthful: This idea or team is absolutely nothing new. Heal with defense buff can save your team in case the enemies get a turn. Both on Vio 200+ Spd, Baretta (L), Mav, Spectra, B-D-D Homunculus, Basalt, Have auto'd until 80, currently working on killing artamiel and the off it goes on auto'ing. First skill will AoE freeze the enemies with a 25% chance, Second skill will AoE reduce ATB by 30% with a 50% chance, Third skill will AoE put 2 stacks of DoTs with a chance to put more stacks depending on how many debuffs are already on the target, With 3 AoE skills on despair, he’s an AoE CC and DoT machine. Third skill does huge AoE enemy max HP damage and also AoE reduces the enemies ATB by 30% while reducing the targets ATB by 90%. (this skill also cleanses). Skill 3 Removes 1 harmful effect on all allies and reduces their cooldowns by 1 while also putting up attack speed buff. 60+ teams broken down into a tier list so you will know the best possible team you’re able to build with the monsters you currently have. Second skill has an 80% chance to AoE freeze. Second skill does enemy max HP based damage (great since ToA monsters have super high max HP) and AoE attack breaks in case the enemies get a turn. Players must complete each floor to advance on top. share. AoE Reduces the cooldown time of your team’s skills while giving your team attack speed buff. A year ago we watched a video with this team, so its not our idea. 40% ATB boost to your entire team every single turn. Puts up 2 stacks of AoE DoTs on a 3 turn cooldown. Toah Auto Team. toa auto team 2020. Thanks :), Baretta, Briand, Chasun, Spectra, Mav 40-45k HP on Briand Chasun, the others 25k. Great for clearing lower floors because she does huge AoE damage and can use her other AoE skill if she gets a kill. I will go through briefly what you should take note of from ToA 91 to 100 so that it wouldn’t be a pain to your eyes. Subreddit for mobile game Summoners War: Sky Arena. 50% chance to AoE decrease enemies attack speed or stun the target if they already have attack speed slow debuff on them. Baretta Vero Chasun Briand Mav was able to auto from 1-92 with exception of 70, 80 and 90 where I went Baretta, Basalt, Mav, Aria, Woonhak on manual. Good vs stages with a lot of passives because he puts up Oblivion which stops passives from working. 2 Chances to AoE decrease enemy ATB by 30% with 30% chance each. Second skill does 18% of the enemies max HP as damage which is huge in ToA with all the enemies having crazy high HP. Trial of Ascension (ToA) complete guide, including info on floors composition, ToA rewards, boss strategy, suggested teams, floor 100 boss fight, and more! One of the best healers in Summoners War because she has 2 strong heals. Any opinions is appreciated (edited by administrators) 4. FeelsBadMan because I'm in the same boat, Going to try this with Eladriel and Bella, i dont have Briand and Chasun. Baretta (L), Mav, Basalt, Briand, Veromos, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the summonerswar community. Trial of Ascension (ToA) is a PVE game content with various rewards upon completing certain floors/stage. She pulls Shaina into her attack which reduces Shaina’s cooldowns so she can use her AoE stun and ATB bar reduce skill more often. 60% chance to AoE stun with his second skill. The goal of this guide is to get your DB10 team to a 100% success rate, ~50 second average runtime as efficiently as possible so you can really maximize on your rune farming and progress your Summoners War account as fast as possible. So I haven't seen too much discussion about TOA Hard since TOA Hell was released and Sath and Thrain came into the game so … What are your ToAH Auto Teams? Lyrith Boss Overview This guide will provide an overview of the units you will be face, how to beat them, and what people have used in the past to complete the stage. 50% chance to AoE provoke, combined with a high chance to counter-attack with a stun. Au delà des runes et des monstres dispo, c'est aussi l'IA parfois débile qui pose problème, parce que même si t'as une team ultra safe en théorie, tu peux pas empêcher l'IA de full skill 3 sur le dernier mob à 15% d'Hp et stun et de plus avoir tes skills dispo sur la vague suivante si tu vois ce que je veux dire. Бесплатная консультация. Some input would be really helpful. Single target buff strip with a stun or defense break. Third skill stuns the enemy with the highest ATB. report. Defense break is also a minor benefit on boss stages to take them down faster since they are immune to DoTs. Not only does huge AoE damage but it will stop annoying enemies that resurrect or heal. Then cc auto team for higher up (Baretta, Posiedon, Water Homie, Dover, Mav/Betta). Puts 2 stacks of AoE DoTs with his third skill. Baretta mav basalt mantura and 5th is vero/verad/fireSeaGuy. Her heal will also boost your teams attack bar making it easier to keep the enemies CCed. Strategy [edit | edit source] The accuracy required is 45% for both toa and toahâ ¦ Tesa helps more in the first two stages but does help with splits too. I can still get up into the 90s of Toah every rotation. save. Basalt is great for that since hes tanky, heals, and puts up defense buff. One of the best ToA monsters in the game. Third skill puts a AoE stack of DoTs and attack speed slow debuff x3 times (the 3x hits makes sure attack speed slow almost always lands on all enemies and puts 2-3 stacks of DoTs), First skill has a 50% chance to AoE reduce enemies ATB bar by 25%. AoE attack break debuff is great incase the enemies get a turn. (including boss stages and ToA 100), AoE stun with ATB reduction and defense break. Male: Leo, 2x verde, 2x spectra. She will make it so the enemies are completely locked down and can’t take a turn while also pumping out crazy damage with her twin sisters. Share. Refreshes the cooldowns of one of your monsters allowing them to use their big CC or DoTs skill two turns in a row. I use baretta verad basalt mav briand to auto Toah. Puts a single enemies cooldowns on max and AoE resets the ATB of enemies to 0 (Great for not allowing bosses to use their second and third skills while also CCing the side monsters). AoE reduces attack bar by 50% x2 times if the enemy has attack speed slow debuff. your TOAH auto Team (without water/dark homie) Discussion . AoE stun on all enemies that have DoTs on them. This skill makes it easy for your team to get their CC cooldowns back up. Posted by Summoner on Jun 17, 2016 12k. Toah Auto Team. AoE freezes the enemies and puts up attack speed slow debuff. 10 votes, 32 comments. Can defense break and attack break which can be a minor help on boss stages. toah auto team 2019 4 listopada 2020 / Swift Broken set (SPD/ACC/HP from off-set depending on what stats you need) - HP HP DEF, Fully Broken sets or with energy sets - SPD HP HP/DEF (focus on ACC/more tanky stats for off-set), 170+ SPD is recommended and last on your team. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 3 ifrit summons - Tesarion/Akhamamir/Theomars, Je passe facilement la toa classique avec pour team : =>0-99 : Baretta (L), Vero, Bella, Poseidon, Lagmaron =>100 : Vero(L), Eladriel, Bella, Spectra, Poseidon (Team vraiment safe ahah) Le toah je vais jusqu'au 50 en auto et après je joue à la main mais ca devient vraiment … First skill attack speed debuff with an 80% chance. ShareThe boss stages were a little different and I will post the teams I used below: Stage 70: Baretta(L), Tesarion, Shaina, Maruna, Jeanne - Oblivion the Artamiels and the stage can be auto'd otherwise. In there we go in-depth on what are the best teams to use for all stages of Summoners War, from super reliable early game auto teams to end game speed auto teams. Gives your team speed buff to make it easier to keep the enemies CCed. Great for speed clearing low floors because he AoE def breaks and ATK buffs your team. I wanted to build my own TOAH auto team and i was wondering what teams people used to auto TOA, what rune quality you guys have, also any problems that might occur with your team while running it. Increase ATB of your whole team by 50% and reduces your teams cooldown. Discuss the latest gameplay, news and events with fellow summoners around the globe. 1. 18. Leader skill: +19 Crit rate (good if you’re going for a full damage comp). It gives you scrolls, crystals, rainbowmons, devilmons, and is the only way to farm L&D and Legendary scrolls. 53 comments. The team I use to auto the majority of ToAH is Veromos(L), Chasun, Briand, Basalt, Mantura~, The only floors off the top that need a little divine intervention on the boss are~, Female: Brownies, Monkeys, Rakan x2 Zeratu, The only floors I am unsure of about the auto is artamiel on toah90, but it works fine in 80~, Stats:, Vero (L), Baretta, Chasun, Basalt and Briand. Third skill AoE decreases the enemies ATB by 30% x3 times. Pretty good damage dealer so clearing stages fast because he does 30% increased damage for every debuff on the enemy. 150 Mav speed, 240 Spectra, Just wanted to pop into this thread and mention how your team is literally the only one in this thread right now without Verad/Basalt. Press J to jump to the feed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any opinions is appreciated (edited by administrators) 4. Second skill strips and put enemies skills on max cooldown which is great for stopping bosses from using their second or third skills. Second skill puts up DoTs which is good for helping to kill side minions. King of CC and ToA, the enemies will be unlikely able to take a turn. 4. Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Bernard, Shannon, Baretta (L), Belladeon, Bernard/Spectra, Shannon, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Shannon, Mav, Veromos (L), Belladeon, Bernard/Spectra, Shannon, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Mav, Baretta (L), Mantura, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Bernard, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Briand, Baretta (L), Mantura, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Briand, Baretta (L), Zinc, Spectra, Water Homie, Verdehile, Baretta (L), Mantura, Charlotte/Lupinus/Lapis, Gildong/Woonhak/Woochi, Water Homie, Tyron/Verad (L), Zinc/Mantura/Rica, Charlotte/Lupinus/Lapis/Rica, Gildong/Woonhak/Woochi, Water Homie, Lushen (L), Lushen, Galleon, Zaiross, Sigmarus (ToAN Only), Lushen (L), Galleon, Zaiross, Sigmarus, Water Homie, Galleon/Bastet, Zaiross, Julie, Sigmarus, Water Homie, Galleon/Bastet/Mantrua, Lushen (L), Sigmarus/Rica, Water Homie, Akhamamir. Comments Good healer for Akroma stage because she also defense buffs which really helps your Dark tank survive. Sort by. CDI: South Bend - Growing South Bend's Orthodox Jewish Community Absorbs 15% attack bar with every hit. Unlocked at Level 15, ToA has 100 Floors and increases in difficulty as you advance further. L Vero, Water Homie, Betta, Briand, Chasun. The Boss fight highlighted in this review will be Lyrith. ATB boost may be the only thing he brings to the table but it gives you an incredible amount of turns allowing the rest of your team to effectively CC the enemies. Check out this awesome video on a decent farmable team for Trial of Ascension. For those that want to know right now, ... ToA Farmable Auto Team for F2P Players. AoE silence for 1 turn is great for incase the enemies get a turn they will only be able to use their skill 1. 71% Upvoted. Giant's Keep B10 Guide,Progression Guides, Dragon's Lair B10 Guide,Progression Guides, ToA Guide (Normal & Hard),Progression Guides, Karzhan Guide (Level 5),Progression Guides, Ellunia Guide (Level 5),Progression Guides, Best Summoners War Monsters Guide [Updated List], Trial of Ascension (ToA) Guide - Teams, Monsters & Runes. My super F2P team is Jamire, Verad, Rica, Woosa, and Gany. Usually only have to manual Seara, OGs, Arta, 93H Lyrith, and both 100H. Defense buff can help your team survive a few hits from any enemies that resist your CC. 4. Lyrith is the second final boss with Ath'Taros of the TOA 100 and TOAH 100.She is more powerful than her mate, so a different strategy will have to be applied to defeat her. Resets ATB back to 0 with second skill (Great for CC on bosses because they can’t be stunned). 50% chance to AoE reduce enemies ATB by 30% and 100% chance to put up attack speed slow debuff with his third skill that’s only on a 3 turn cooldown. best. level 1. AoE attack speed slow debuff with second skill (100% activation rate with only 2 turn cooldown), Great on despair with 2 AoE skills that have a low cooldown will mean tons of AoE stuns. AoE Increases skill cooldown time of all enemies while putting up attack speed slow debuff. As a result, I will present the second team: DoT with CC units later in the guide. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Similar to Galleon except he reduces the enemy ATB bar instead of ATK buffs. 1. Second skill has a 60% chance to AoE stun and attack speed slow. Round 1: 3 Acasis 2 Akias Round 2: 3 Vanessas 2 Conrads Round 3: Ath'taros and 2 crystals. This is great for keeping speed debuff on bosses. 75% chance to put a DoT on a single target with his first skill. AoE Def Break and Attack Break are also very useful. Third skill is an AoE 25% ATB absorb which is great for controlling enemies and getting more turns to lower her own cooldowns. Whats your lowest and highest speed in the team? Mainly used on the ToA 100 boss Lyrith because her incarnations can be Oblivioned. Amazing for speed clearing the lower floors because he does huge AoE damage that doesn’t need defense break.