I took another pink one today 2/, Hey everyone I know it’s still pretty early but does anybody think they can guess the gender from these pictures ? Non ! Question les filles. It just recently came back in the middle of January, and I was so happy. Over the past few weeks she has been taking longer naps a lot of days, but not every day. Ok so I understand this is normal for my dd age. Helllllp! To get started, here are some posts from our most popular topics: pregnancy, babies, and getting pregnant. Ce que je fais déjà depuis 2 mois que je suis en arrêt de travail! - BabyCenter Is this my trigger or a BF, Hi ladies She is 3 1/2, and has dropped her midday nap. She was at the doctors today and they said she most likely has reflux. Help. Au 9ème mois de grossesse, vous respirez mieux et vous avez moins de mal à digérer. Plus tu stresses, plus tu contractes, c'est mathématique! That is, until I realized everything tastes and smells like bile..... Ce sont les contractions qui font ouvrir le col en poussant la tête du bébé. Testing out trigger - Trigger or BFP!? Mais ce n'est pas grave, bébé est bien placé pour sortir et bassin large. J'aurai bientôt 37 semaines et je suis allez faire un éccho hier pour voir si le bébé avais la tête en haut ou en bas, parce que le medecin n'arrivai pas à le savoir en pressant mon ventre. Dans d’autres circonstances, c’est le bébé qui est en cause. She is 3 1/2, and has dropped her midday nap. I’ve been pumping successfully (about 20oz a day) for the past 2 months while at work. Long story short have been abnormally sleepy for days and I’ve been napping a lot which is out of the ordinary for me lol so I bought some tests! De temps en temps j’ai l’impression ça fait comme si ça me brule comme une infection urinaire et j’ai comme une envie soudaine de faire pipi qui dure 2 secondes maximum. Voila je m'explique: je sors de la consultation du gynéco et le col est fermé, court et la tête qui appuie bien sur le col. Mon gynéco n'a rien voulu me dire mais pensez vous qu'il me reste longtemps sachant que ma dpa est le 25/09. Depuis 3-4 jours j'ai l'impression que bébé est super bas et qu'il appuis sur le col, parce que j'ai une sensation de lourdeur dans les lèvres et l'entrée du vagin, et j'ai une sensation comme si c'était gonflé comme un œdème. J'ai un col très très mou depuis mars et qui est raccourci de moitié. Her schedule is That is, until I realized everything tastes and smells like bile..... Hey i would really appreciate if someone could tell me if this opk is positive. Je suis pourtant résonable et ne passe pas mon temps dans les magasins à piétiner! My baby of 3 months has been waking up every 40 mins to an hour startled. sometimes triggered by movement and sound but MOSTLY by nothing! So, I use Premom and this is my 1st month using it! Salut à toute, est-ce que parmi nous il y a des expertes. Unfortunately we know all to well how bad FRER's have been lately about giving off indents that truly look like a BFP sometimes. The question I have is how l, My LO will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. Should I buy a freezer just for storing breastmilk? But it sucks because she still really needs one. If so, maybe I could use it in the mi, So I had COVID in November and lost my taste and smell. So anywhoo, I tested my ovulation and it showing a faint positive. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but I can’t help but see a darker line! To get started, here are some posts from our most popular topics: the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Yesterday my supply tanked and I had to supplement with frozen milk at home and today I only pumped 10oz all day ☹️ What foods or drinks can help me get back up to, So my 4 week old little girl sometimes gets overstimulated and struggles to fall asleep for naps during the day. My normal AF comes on the 15/16. - Maxwell Alors, même si ton bébé est très bas et qu'il appuie, c'est pas obligé que tu accouches rapidement !!! If you have any questionable tests please post them below and come back to update later if. Pour nous, bébé a la tête en bas depuis longtemps et du coup, elle appuie sur mon col. Ca fait comme des coups d'électricité mais a priori, ça n'a pas fait évolué le col plus que ça! Can anyone tell me if I’m ovulating or about to lol? My husband & I have a swing that will swing and vibrate at the same time. I also had a strange rise during my fertile period, not familiar to my last two cycles I temped. What do you think?? Thoughts?? She's gaining weight fine, an oz a day, but she always seems miserable. Is it safe to do that? It’s been about 2 weeks of no nap at all. Baby waking up weirdly every hour! PREMIEREMENT: déstreeeeeeeeesse! The clear blue was taken 2/1 AM I’ve never gained but maybe 2 lbs during any regular cycle. je suis à 34 sa et depuis quelque semaine, bébé me fait super mal quand il bouge la tête ou quand je sens qu'il force sur mon col! My baby of 3 months has been waking up every 40 mins to an hour startled. If so, maybe I could use it in the mi, So I had COVID in November and lost my taste and smell. I’ve never gained but maybe 2 lbs during any regular cycle. Mais ce qui inquiète le plus c'est la position de bébé au sein de l'utérus. Dwt 7 ( but she’s been up around 530/6 ) pierpom juin 11, 2008, 7:15pm #1. qui ... En fait qd j’ai mal , c le coeur du bébé qui accelere vachement car elle bouge et ca monte a 43 et il parait que c rien du tout! LO turned 6 months old less than a week ago. Has anyone else experienced weight gain leading up to and during your cycle after a chemical? But it sucks because she still really needs one. So, I use Premom and this is my 1st month using it! Is this my trigger or a BF, Hi ladies Mon col est mou, ouvert à 2 doigts et court et en plus, comme toi, quand elle m’examine, elle touche bien la tête de bébé. Help! ! Today cm is creamy as well, but I got a huge temp dip?? Hi Everyone! L'accouchement. When we put our daughter in it it puts her out like a light which is great. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Il te reste plus bcp a attendre. Can anyone tell me if I’m ovulating or about to lol? Very gassy, spits up with every burp pretty much, crys after every feeding unless she instantly falls asleep, always grun. I took another pink one today 2/, Hey everyone I know it’s still pretty early but does anybody think they can guess the gender from these pictures ? Le coussin de sommeil se fixe facilement sous la coque du siège, et peut s’adapter à tous les sièges auto pour enfant ou jeune enfant de BeSafe. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but I can’t help but see a darker line! Sometimes the startle is so severe he wakes up flailing his arms and shaking his h. 6 mo. Ce qu'il faut savoir sur les coups de pieds de bébé sur le col de l'utérus. What do you think?? Bed 645 Please help me, We’re thinking about ttc our 4th this summer, and I’ve been throwing some names around. Now I can’t eat without throwing up, which is so upsetting because I’m already getting hit hard with, We have 3 names we have said “okay” to. Please help me, We’re thinking about ttc our 4th this summer, and I’ve been throwing some names around. Hey i would really appreciate if someone could tell me if this opk is positive. She's gaining weight fine, an oz a day, but she always seems miserable. Help! - Brooks AF isn’t due until 2/5 or 2/6....a. I thought for sure I would see a huge temp rise today, confirming O for yesterday on CD 15. D’autres signes doivent s’y joindre. 25sa col raccourci 33mm bb tete en bas appuie sur col 04.01.2014, 00h03 Bonjour, jai ete arrete par ma sage femme debut novembre a cause de contractions nocturnes et col raccourci a 35mm elle ma prescrit repos et eviter la voiture et arret jusqu a la fin de la grossesse . I usually weigh around 122, last month I weighed 128 and lost it all in a day after my cycle ended and today I weigh 127. The clear blue was taken 2/1 AM Il convient de dire qu'à ce stade de grossesse, bébé s'apprête à sortir et nombreux sont les changements qui en résultent. Mais c'est super gênant et ça fait super mal, depuis plusieurs jours, je ne dors pas car il appuie, on dirait qu'il veut sortir! Nap 10-1130 I liter, Looking for tips and tricks to boost my supply. C est aussi accompagne de douleurs comme si on me tirait le pubis, surement le col qui bouge. I triggered with 10,000 HCG on 2/18, iui 2/19. Do y’all think they are positive or am I crazy!? Le troisième trimestre de grossesse est une période joyeuse pour les futures mamans parce que le jour de l'accouchement approche et bébé sera enfin parmi la petite famille. Naps can now be anywhere from 35 minutes to 90, My daughter is cute as a button, but the worst sleeper Et plus tu contractes, plus ton bébé appuie sur ton col, puisqu'il est très bas. I usually weigh around 122, last month I weighed 128 and lost it all in a day after my cycle ended and today I weigh 127. I'm currently 1DPO and am in my tww.... anyone else here so we can discuss our symptoms to hopefully end in a BFP!!. Would having it out jack up my normal cycle or was it just a fluke and probably still have my period around the 15/16?? Les fontanelles, zones souples au toucher, sont souvent impressionnantes. Not so long ago my baby was a serial 30 minute napper and I was doing a rescue nap for her 3rd nap most days. sometimes triggered by movement and sound but MOSTLY by nothing! Ça fait quelle sensation quand bébé appuie sur le col ? Please. I’ve been trying to test out my trigger with FMU (although I forgot one). Sometimes the startle is so severe he wakes up flailing his arms and shaking his h. 6 mo. I liter, Looking for tips and tricks to boost my supply. Would having it out jack up my normal cycle or was it just a fluke and probably still have my period around the 15/16?? On dirait même que ça le fait moins qu'il y a un mois! - August Col ouvert et tête de bébé qui appuie sur le col :(: coucou les filles!! I’ve been trying to test out my trigger with FMU (although I forgot one). old--am I ready for 3-2 transition? We are genuinely stuck and his brothers name will be Hudson. How is this possible??? Is it safe to do that? Mon col est bien fermé et ma sage femme m'a dit que ça ne craignait rien temps qu'il est fermé! Now I can’t eat without throwing up, which is so upsetting because I’m already getting hit hard with, We have 3 names we have said “okay” to. When we put our daughter in it it puts her out like a light which is great. En revanche, bébé appuie plus sur votre vessie. The pink was taken 2/1 PM Voili voilou ! Le relâchement des ligaments du bassin provoque des douleurs. Quand j'appuie sur mon ventre, je sens que les fesses de mon bébé se trouvent plus bas. We have a dd named Natalie, and I have always loved the name Hadley. Je le remarque aussi quand j'ai une contraction, je remarque que mon ventre se durcit nettement plus bas. Voilà, bisous. col ouvert a 1 bon doigt, tete engagée, centrée et qui appui. For nap time I’ve still been put, So I’m 11 DPO today so I took a cheap pregnancy test from amazon and it was negative (sucks). bébé appuye avec ses pieds sur le col ce qui me ... été 1/2 long tonique et fermé est à présent 1/2 long et ramoli . C'est aussi une période stressante du fait que divers problèmes peuvent se présenter. Et plus il va s’ouvrir, plus la descente se fera vite. Les contractions sont douloureuses et régulières comme au cours du travail, mais elles n’ont aucun effet sur la dilatation du col. Cela veut dire que le col … I only tested because I’m having continuous discomfort in my left lower abdomen. Je suis allée chez mon gynéco hier, bébé va bien, par contre sa tête appui sur le col qui du coup est moins long que la derniere fois! Au fur et à mesure que le col s’amincit et s’ouvre, le bouchon se libère, puis se détache. Also, the clotting.. is.