Mime (5%), Sudowoodo (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Special: Chansey (80%), Emolga (10%), Leavanny (5%), Unfezant (5%) Surf, Normal: Finneon (60%), Goldeen (30%), Chinchou (10%) Surf, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (30%), Seaking (10%) Fish, Normal: Finneon (60%), Chinchou (40%) Fish, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (40%), Route 6 – Winter Grass, Normal: Snover (20%), Deerling (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Natu (10%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Doubles: Snover (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Xatu (10%), Mr. Although it’s somewhat untidy, this is the best method that can be done for now, due to scripting being impossible as of August 2011. These trainers are often old ones who will challenge you to keep your training up Floccesy Town - Alder It is divided into two separate sectors. Most areas now contain at least 8 Pokémon species, and in most cases, more! What the heck is Pokémon Blaze Black 2 is what some of you may be asking. The game was released back in 2010 marking the game nearing its tenth year anniversary. Moltres, Level 50 Victory Road, Outside Rocky Grass, 1%. If you’re lucky. Should we make a list of Pokemon that we can't find or have found in Unexpected areas so he knows whats not where it should be? I can't find one anywhere! Perhaps you’ll find it after shifting you a sea of various Rock, Ground, Normal and Fighting Pokémon. Route 19 is the first route in Pokémon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, there's a water path you can surf through once you obtain Surf. * Entei and Raikou are like best friends and brothers; they will always stay together, and Entei will follow Raikou to whatever attracts him. I'll try to set aside some time to talk about my team in these hacks later since I'm a huge fan of them as well (it's been a while though! Of course, they also like to test people by remaining hidden. It is the heart of business and economy of the Unova region, as opposed to its sister city, Nimbasa City, which is the heart of leisure and entertainment. Meloetta, Level 50 Village Bridge Grass, Doubles, 1% * Meloetta, the Queen of Song, also highly enjoys the area, joining in with the vocal peformances given by the residents. The data below includes name, number, known locations as well as special requirements i.e. Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. I have Volt White 2 (not Blaze Black, unfortunately), and this is the contents of the Documents folder: Action Replay Codes.pdf Attack & Level Up Move Changes.pdf Evolution Changes.pdf Item and Trade Changes.pdf Pokemon Changes.pdf Starter & Legendary Guide.pdf Trainer Rosters.pdf (note: only lists notable trainers, not all) Wild List.pdf Arceus, Level 80 Challenger’s Cave, B2F Cave, Normal, 1%. Finally, no$gba users will have to use the savegames converter to change the .sav in their BATTERY folder into a regular .sav. Musharna, Level 70 Dreamyard Basement ================================================================== Route 3, Grass, Normal: Mareep (20%), Taillow (20%), Shellos (10%), Sunkern (10%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (5%), Phanpy (5%) Grass, Doubles: Blitzle (20%), Pidove (20%), Growlithe (10%), Vulpix (10%), Hoppip (10%), Budew (10%), Marill (5%), Houndour (5%), Volbeat (4%), Illumise (4%), Lombre (1%), Nuzleaf (1%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Oshawott (10%), Squirtle (5%), Totodile (5%), Mudkip (5%), Piplup (5%) Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (60%), Psyduck (30%), Marill (10%) Surf, Special: Golduck (60%), Azumarill (30%), Slowbro (5%), Slowking (5%) Fish, Normal: Poliwag (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Chinchou (5%), Remoraid (5%) Fish, Special: Chinchou (60%), Qwilfish (30%), Remoraid (10%) ================================================================== Wellspring Cave 1F, 1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Zubat (20%), Geodude (10%), Roggenrola (10%), Aron (10%), Whismur (10%), Wooper (5%), Bronzor (5%), Axew (5%), Teddiursa (5%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (40%), Diglett (40%), Gible (20%) Surf, Normal: Wooper (60%), Shellos (40%) Surf, Special: Quagsire (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (60%), Tentacool (30%), Shellder (10%) Fish, Special: Shellder (100%), B1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Golbat (20%), Graveler (10%), Boldore (10%), Lairon (10%), Steelix (10%), Loudred (10%), Quagsire (10%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%) Surf, Normal: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Whiscash (100%) Fish, Special: Cloyster (100%) ================================================================== Pinwheel Forest, Outside Grass, Normal: Tympole (20%), Timburr (20%), Meditite (10%), Spinarak (10%), Ledyba (10%), Machop (10%), Makuhita (10%), Croagunk (5%), Slakoth (5%) Grass, Doubles: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Dunsparce (10%), Doduo (10%), Snubbull (10%), Aipom (10%), Cubone (9%), Burmy (9%), Heracross (2%) Grass, Special: Audino (50%), Tepig (10%), Tyrogue (10%), Riolu (10%), Charmander (5%), Cyndaquil (5%), Torchic (5%), Chimchar (5%), Inside Grass, Normal: Cottonee (20%), Petilil (20%), Sewaddle (10%), Venipede (10%), Oddish (10%), Bellsprout (10%), Shroomish (5%), Exeggcute (5%), Murkrow (5%), Misdreavus (5%) Grass, Doubles: Tangela (20%), Roselia (20%), Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%), Gloom (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Carnivine (5%), Scyther (5%), Pinsir (5%), Vigoroth (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Snivy (10%), Pansage (10%), Panpour (10%), Pansear (10%), Bulbasaur (5%), Chikorita (5%), Treecko (5%), Turtwig (5%) Surf, Normal: Surskit (100%) Surf, Special: Masquerain (100%) Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Poliwag (40%) Fish, Special: Poliwhirl (95%), Politoed (5%), Virizion. Cave, Normal, 1%. Like all games, Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 have got a regional Pokédex. hoThe Pokedex is a tracking tool for all the Pokemon found in the Pokemon games. hide. No$gba users can simply slot their .sav in the BATTERY folder and it should convert back to the no$ format automatically when the ROM is booted. Manaphy, Level 30 Route 17 Surf, Special, 1% * Manaphy likes the colder seas of the Unova region, so its presence in the vast waters of Route 17 is not surprising. What the heck is Pokémon Blaze Black 2 is what some of you may be asking. ================================================================== P2 Laboratory, Grass, Normal: Porygon (20%), Klang (20%), Magneton (20%), Electrode (20%), Kingler (10%), Shuckle (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (95%), Porygon2 (5%) Surf, Normal: Wingull (60%), Tentacool (30%), Pelipper (10%) Surf, Special: Tentacruel (60%), Frillish (30%), Jellicent (10%) Fish, Normal: Krabby (60%), Corphish (40%) Fish, Special: Kingler (60%), Crawdaunt (40%) ================================================================== Mistralton Cave 1F – 2F, Cave, Normal: Onix (20%), Rhyhorn (20%), Larvitar (10%), Bagon (10%), Beldum (10%), Gible (10%), Axew (10%), Deino (10%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%), Mistralton Cave 3F (Guidance Chamber) Cave, Normal: Steelix (20%), Rhydon (20%), Pupitar (10%), Shelgon (10%), Metang (10%), Gabite (10%), Fraxure (10%), Zweilous (10%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%). It’s no lake, but it’s a good enough place for the pixie trio to reside. ================================================================== Route 9, Grass, Normal: Gothorita (20%), Duosion (20%), Kirlia (10%), Minccino (10%), Pawniard (10%), Skitty (10%), Liepard (10%), Persian (10%) Grass, Doubles: Flaaffy (20%), Luxio (20%), Hypno (10%), Cinccino (10%), Bisharp (10%), Garbodor (10%), Houndoom (10%), Granbull (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (90%), Gothitelle (5%), Reuniclus (5%). ================================================================== Route 10, Main Route Grass, Normal: Herdier (20%), Pidgeotto (20%), Rufflet (10%), Vullaby (10%), Machoke (10%), Primeape (10%), Amoonguss (10%), Tranquill (10%) Grass, Doubles: Mandibuzz (20%), Braviary (20%), Bouffalant (10%), Grumpig (10%), Drapion (10%), Scrafty (10%), Heracross (10%), Manectric (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (100%). Contrary to Pokémon Black & White, the local Pokédex in these sequels features 300 Pokémon across all generations, including every Generation 5 Pokémon. How to figure out wild pokemon locastions in pokemon blaze black and volt white.link to document http://www.mediafire.com/?otpr8mrni84zzie I can't find one anywhere! The Lostlorn Forest in particular is famous for its myths, and Mew is drawn to such places… mostly to play. Reversal Mountain (Japanese: リバースマウンテン Reverse Mountain) is a mountain located in eastern Unova.It is connected to Undella Town from the east and to Lentimas Town from the west. Pokemon Black 2 is a direct sequel to Pokemon Black and White considering both of them are the same games. There are a couple of differences between Blaze Black and Volt White. save. Doubles refers to tall grass where double battles can occur. Genesect, Level 75 Challenger’s Cave, 1F Cave, Normal, 1%. It has gained more strength, but is still weaker than its fully grown counterpart. Don’t let the length of the words fool you; it’s simple! With the wonder card loaded, simply go into any Pokémon Center and talk to the blue guy on the right. You then need to load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor, made by Grovyle91. share. Regigigas. This list details all these Pokémon. But you don’t need to hear about that. Well, as far as I am aware this was the first big hack that was released for Pokémon Black 2. It’s all normal from there. Pokemon Black is one of two games that introduced Generation V to the whole world. Three times a year, this journey ends up leading it to the small lake in front of the ancient tower. * Mew loves appearing in foresty areas. Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. The creator of Blaze Black/Volt White 2, Drayano, has already announced that he would be creating hacks of ORAS called Delta Ruby and Delta Sapphire. Raikou, Level 50 Route 9 Grass, Special, 1%. Rom Hack of Pokemon Black 2 ~ STORY ~ After becoming the League Champion and defeating the final Hurrah Island challenge Prof. Kukui allowed Sun/Moon and others to travel to the Unova Region for a year and test what they learned in Alola. Level Azurill Up with full happines, Route 23 -Fishing in Rippling water (Autumn), Level up Riolu with high friendship during daytime, Level up Sneasel at Night while holding Razor Claw. They will be Level 5 at start. Categories NDS, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Walkthrough Post navigation Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Item & Trade Changes Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Level Up Move Changes You might be able to find it, if you’re lucky…, Kyurem, Level 75 Giant Chasm, Rear Cave ================================================================== Undella Town, Surf, Normal: Luvdisc (60%), Corsola (40%) Surf, Special: Alomomola (100%) Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%) Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%) ================================================================== Undella Bay, All Seasons Surf, Normal: Mantyke (60%), Wailmer (40%) Surf, Special: Mantine (60%), Wailord (40%) Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%) Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%), Kyogre, Level 70 Undella Bay, Summer Surf, Special, 1% * The vast waters of the Undella Bay are perfect for Kyogre, who awakens only once in the four-season period. Azelf, Level 50 Mistralton Cave, 3F Cave, Normal, 1% * Mistralton Cave, though already home to the mythical Cobalion, is a dark cave close by to the bountiful rivers to Route 6. If you can catch it, you’ll have a chance at adding him to your team. It is currently impossible to give the ticket in-game and have it work fully. This thread is archived. People still play Pokemon Black today and that means that they can benefit from using our Pokemon Black … * Zapdos, like most Electric types, is drawn to high potential sources. It’s no lake, but it’s a good enough place for the pixie trio to reside. The setup was included in the download for the patch. Mime (10%), Sudowoodo (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Arcanine (5%), Ninetales (5%), Whimsicott (5%), Lilligant (5%) Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (100%) Surf, Special: Slowking (60%), Slowbro (40%) Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%) Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%). 25, Route 19, 20, and 6 (Surf) report. The Wild List Document Is The File That Tells You All Of Dray's Wild Pokemon Locations. share. ================================================================== Dragonspiral Tower, Outside (Both Areas) – Spring, Summer, Autumn Grass, Normal: Mienfoo (20%), Deerling (20%), Druddigon (20%), Swablu (20%), Kadabra (20%) Grass, Doubles: Mienshao (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Druddigon (20%), Altaria (20%), Kadabra (20%) Grass, Shaking: Audino (90%), Alakazam (10%) Surf, Normal: Horsea (60%), Dratini (40%) Surf, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (40%) Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Basculin (30%), Dratini (10%) Fish, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (30%), Kingdra (9%), Dragonite (1%), Outside (Both Areas) – Winter Grass, Normal: Mienfoo (20%), Snover (20%), Cubchoo (20%), Vanillite (20%), Kadabra (20%) Grass, Doubles: Mienshao (20%), Abomasnow (20%), Beartic (20%), Vanillish (20%), Kadabra (20%) Grass, Shaking: Audino (90%), Alakazam (10%) Surf, Normal: Horsea (60%), Dratini (40%) Surf, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (40%) Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Basculin (30%), Dratini (10%) Fish, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (30%), Kingdra (9%), Dragonite (1%), Inside – Room One Tower, Normal: Druddigon (40%), Baltoy (30%), Golett (30%), Inside – Room Two Tower, Normal: Claydol (50%), Golurk (50%). Still, the dark and damp is enough to make it feel like home. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. Wild Hold Items. These games have got the largest regional Pokédex to date, featuring around 300 Pokémon before the National Pokédex is unlocked. 2 comments. ================================================================== Route 4, Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Trapinch (10%), Vullaby (10%), Hippopotas (5%), Elgyem (5%) Surf, Normal: Frillish (60%), Clamperl (30%), Relicanth (10%) Surf, Special: Jellicent (60%), Relicanth (30%), Huntail (5%), Gorebyss (5%) Fish, Normal: Krabby (60%), Corphish (30%), Clamperl (10%) Fish, Special: Clamperl (60%), Frillish (30%), Relicanth (10%) ================================================================== Desert Resort, Entrance Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Dwebble (10%), Baltoy (10%), Trapinch (10%), Main Sand: Trapinch (20%), Darumaka (20%), Cacnea (10%), Hippopotas (10%), Gligar (10%), Dwebble (10%), Maractus (5%), Sigilyph (5%), Skarmory (5%), Mandibuzz (5%), Darmanitan, Level 35 Desert Resort * This is still the only way to get a Zen Mode Darmanitan! Route 19 is the first route in Pokémon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, there's a water path you can surf through once you obtain Surf. The Strange House is just east of Lentimas Town on the exterior of the mountain. ================================================================== Icirrus City, Route 8, Puddle, Normal: Palpitoad (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Croagunk (10%), Gulpin (10%), Koffing (10%), Grimer (10%), Gastrodon-E (5%), Quagsire (5%), Toxicroak (4%), Swalot (4%), Weezing (1%), Muk (1%) Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%) Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%) ================================================================== Moor of Icirrus, Puddle, Normal: Quagsire (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Gastrodon-E (10%), Toxicroak (10%), Swalot (10%), Weezing (10%), Muk (10%), Palpitoad (10%) Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%) Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%), Keldeo, Level 56 Moor of Iccirus, Autumn Puddle, Normal, 1%. It's a fantastic game, but I've gotten to the point where I want some documentation about the changes that have been made. You might run into him if you storm the same room. Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. Grass, Normal: Clefairy (20%), Jigglypuff (20%), Skitty (10%), Sneasel (10%), Metang (10%), Vanillish (10%), Golbat (10%), Porygon (10%) Grass, Doubles: Piloswine (20%), Abomasnow (20%), Bouffalant (10%), Solrock (10%), Lunatone (10%), Skiploom (10%), Metang (10%), Ditto (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Clefable (5%), Wigglytuff (5%), Mamoswine (5%), Metagross (5%). Close. ================================================================== Route 7 – All Seasons, Grass, Normal: Ponyta (20%), Aipom (20%), Magby (10%), Nincada (10%), Doduo (10%), Cubone (10%), Skarmory (5%), Pachirisu (5%), Torkoal (5%), Gligar (5%) Grass, Doubles: Rapidash (20%), Ambipom (20%), Magmar (10%), Ninjask (10%), Dodrio (10%), Marowak (10%), Heatmor (5%), Bouffalant (5%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%) Grass, Shaking: Audino (60%), Emolga (30%), Gliscor (10%) ================================================================== Celestial Tower, 2F, 3F Tower, Normal: Litwick (20%), Elgyem (20%), Chingling (10%), Gastly (10%), Duskull (10%), Shuppet (10%), Wynaut (10%), Bronzor (10%), 4F Tower, Normal: Lampent (20%), Beheeyem (20%), Chimecho (10%), Haunter (10%), Dusclops (10%), Banette (10%), Wobbuffet (10%), Bronzong (10%), 5F (Roof) Tower, Normal: Misdreavus (20%), Murkrow (20%), Drifblim (20%), Noctowl (20%), Absol (10%), Spiritomb (10%), Cresselia, Level 50 Celestial Tower, Roof Tower, Normal, 1% * The mistress of the moon is kind, and takes pity upon the departed souls of Pokémon.