Charming – A great name for the guy who knows all the right things to say to sweep you off your feet. What about a nickname for your mysterious friend?? 28. Daisy – Bright as the sun, and delicate as a flower. “From our first crush to our first beer, we somehow made it together.”, 27. Love Muffin. He won’t know if you mean babe, bum, boy from down the street, etc. Cinderella – The princess of your heart. Charming – If she is sweet and charming, you can tell her so. Happiness – She is what happiness means to you. 42. “She is a like rainbow. 10. Angel – Excellent way to tell him how sweet and cute he is to you. To come up with a personalized sexy nickname for your boyfriend, think about his best qualities or traits. 26. Ecstasy: If your man makes you so happy, then this nickname is excellent for him. Messed up lemonade. Sunshine – Because he brings light into your life. Meaning: “crooked mouth” Casimir (Cash, Cas) Origin: Polish. Are you looking for that perfect nickname for your best friend? Big Guy – For tall or big guys. Or just simply a white emoji. However, it’s still an option to consider. Wiggles: If your best friend can never sit still, then this nickname would work well. Now, it’s time to find a nickname for your bro, a pet name that represents the special bond you share with your friend. Hercules – For the guy who is strong and courageous. Some people get easily offended or simply just prefer to keep their real names alive. 43. You don’t have to be conventional, though, and you can still make up unique nicknames by doing this method. That’s how you form bonds and talk to each other on a fun loving basis. “A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.”, 43. Whoops! Captain Cookie:For a sweet and attractive boy. Ladies Man – This name gets straight to the point. Chief – For the guy who likes to take charge, chief is a great nickname. Mexican nicknames for boys. Doll Face – Beautiful and flaw-free is what doll face means. “Some souls just understand each other upon meeting.”, 47. It’s common for people to have at least one middle name on their birth certificate. “Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart.”, 38. 23. All different and all beautiful.”, 6. Munchkid: This is a variation on the nickname Munchkin. “A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.”, 23. Consider special moments you’ve shared together or inside jokes you have. 8. Love of my Life – More of a beautiful saying than a real nickname. You get what I mean, i want nickname for activeboy and playingboy, Zippy since it means someone who is energetic and Gamer if he likes playing games and video games, Those are great names. 41. Right: This is a sweet nickname to use. Nicknames, pet names, terms of endearment or whatever you choose to call it, remains an awesome way to show someone how much they mean to you.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',113,'0','0'])); For a male friend, you don’t even need to call him a cute name. They tell you the ugly truth.”, 55. Ah, it’s a classic, and adds some depth to the love! Related: Southern Names for Boys. 20. Tough and caring he’s Afro American any ideas, I Need a name for a guy who loves me but respect my relationship and decided to be my best friend and a good helper, Infact problem solver. My Love – A nickname that lets him know how much he means to you. Summer – Bright and radiant like the summer sun. “A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.”, 53. Dive right into this extensive collection of various nicknames to call your best friend and let us know which one you like the most. Diamond – Pure perfection with a smile that can rival even the world’s most beautiful jewel: a diamond. Love Muffin – For the guy whose love you can’t get enough of. Stallion – For the manly man who makes you weak in the knees. 26. My All – If she means everything to you, this is the perfect name for her. 8. “The only people I owe my loyalty to are those who never made me question theirs.”, 60. 31. Doodle Bug – If the best friend is a painter or someone that likes to draw, this is a perfect description. Show 'em who's boss with a nickname that says, "You better do as I say, or else!" Angel Eyes – his eyes are sweet and kind and full of love. Giggles – A great name for a male friend who laughs a lot. “You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. I will be always here for you.”, 10. Having a nickname should be … Hot-stuff – When she is looking hot and sexy, let her know with this nickname. Champ:Short for Champion. Blood:For a close friend, best friend or brother. Butter. Booga bear:A cute name to call your boyfriend. Now obviously there are exceptions, but for the most part, men love when you mention how big, strong, and manly they … Flower Child – Meant for a woman that is a flower child: a person that loves the earth and wants nothing but peace. Egghead – A mean nickname for a smart friend. Knight in Shining Armor. Bebe – Another fun way of addressing a female lady friend. If you aren’t a fan of your first name, using one of your middle names can be a great alternative. “From childhood to our twenties, one person has always been there.”, 54. Let's go! “I don’t know what I did to have a best friend like you.”, 18. “Everything changes and nothing stays the same, but as we grow up, one thing does remain: I was with you before and will be until the end. Don’t forget to add in a little whistle when you call him this. A. Adorable – or you can add to it with Adorable Angel. Robin Hood – A cute nickname for the guy who does the right thing. Lover Girl – Old fashioned and cute. The article below, will offer you several examples of both. You don’t have to choose a cliché name. “Once you are my friend, you are caught with me for life.”, 24. “Sometimes, being with your best friend is all the therapy you need!”, 8. 48. 28. 9. So, we encourage you to be responsible in using the nicknames found on our website. Launda: For a risk-taker who isn’t afraid to try crazy stunts. Snuggle Bug – An adorable nickname for the guy you like to snuggle with. Lumberjack: This is a more masculine sounding nickname. 46. Teddy Bear – For the guy you love to cuddle and snuggle with. 33. “Best friends believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself.”, 21. 32. If you are changing schools or starting a new job, this can be the perfect time to try out this new nickname. kbzasoo/ 39. Using only the first two syllables of your name is a popular choice. 40. 1. “Friendship is a knot tied by angels’ hands.”, 31. Jellybean – For the guy who is sweet and brings a smile to your face. Baby / Babe / Baby Face – A very common pet names for men who have a cute baby appeal. 361+ Really Cute Nicknames for Guys & Boys. 37. Bitsy – A cute nickname for your tiny guy best friend. Nicknames are supposed to be a fun and casual thing, so getting worked up about it will make people alienate you. The inside jokes the two of you share are a great place to start when choosing a nickname. Great for big guys. 22. 5. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life.”, 48. Picking a Gangster Nickname. If he or she is not okay with mushy nicknames – even in private – stick to the classics, like “babe” or “hun”. 23. 42. “Truly blessed by my best friend(s).”, 58. Their good genes would make us super jealous if we didn’t love them too much. Bitsy:A short guy. If you are unsure by gauging the reaction after you’ve used it, make sure that you ask them if it bothered them. “Don’t lie to people who trust you and don’t trust people who lie to you. Ladla: Know someone who is a mama’s boy? Ese— In Mexican language, it means Home boy. 28. 23. My Everything – If he means the world to you, this is the right nickname for him. Honey Bunny – Sweet as honey, and cuddly and cute like a bunny. … This type of nickname can often happen by accident when there are too many people in an office, class or social circle with the same name. Pepe Le Pew— A famous funny character to pick as a nickname for your male friend. Pumpkin – There is no real meaning to this name, but it is often used among couples. Macha: A South Indian term that is used for close friends. Babe – A babe means a girl that is beautiful, so it describes her perfectly. Thanks so much for them. Do not worry as we have a lot of tips and tricks that will help you. 3. Sexy Nicknames for Guys. 41. “You might not always be next to me, but I know you’ll always have my back.”, 240+ Really Cute & Romantic Nicknames for Your Girlfriend, 320+ Really Cute & Romantic Nicknames for Your Boyfriend. 4. Gumdrop – The perfect nickname for the guy who is sweet enough to eat. Big Guy; If your best friend is on the bigger side, this is great for him. All the embarrassing moments you’ve shared, the pointless fights, the miserable moments without each other, the feeble apologies that are always enough to end your issues, and most importantly, all the moments you bro had your back. Angel – A perfect choice for angelic boyfriends. Wifey – If she means a lot to you and you plan on getting married, “wifey” is a good choice. 36. 11. Commando: For the military guy or … 19. Magic – A personal nickname that often relates to how you see her – like magic. Let him know that he’s the rockstar in your life. However, before I will show … Baby Cakes – A cute take on the classic “babe” nickname. Foxy – For the guy who gets you going and is smoking hot. 25. “GOOD FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.”, 34. A good nickname ideally should be a lot simpler to write and say than your actual name. Champ; If your best friend is always winning everything, this … 4. This name will feed his ego. 29. If you need more ideas, check out the 75 ideas I have for sexy nicknames for your boyfriend. When giving someone a nickname, it’s best to make sure that they are cool with it, whether it’s cool nicknames or innocent nicknames. Bright Eyes – Eyes that are bright and beautiful deserve a fitting nickname, such as bright eyes. 11. 24. Donut – The choice for someone that is sweet and round. Viejo— It is used for the romantic guys! 38. “Hell will be Heaven with Friends, Heaven will be Hell without them.”, 40. 2. There is a guy I like but my friend is dating him and I want to call him something, Call him b. Here are a couple of cute nicknames for your male best friend: Adopted Bro – A cute name to call a friend that has become a brother. If you feel that your nickname is inappropriate, you will probably want to think of a new one. Lobster: This is a great nickname for a friend who burns easily. 361+ Really Cute Nicknames for Guys & Boys. When it comes to choosing nicknames for boys or girls, there are no rules as such. For example, you can give your friend a nickname based on any of his physical characteristics. Bonus points if he likes cake (who doesn’t?). 26. I need that. This is almost the same as the method above, except you either use the middle or last syllable as your starting point. Darling – Another classic pet name for the one you love. Her … 27. Romeo – For the charmer who loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Doodle Bug – If she is a painter or someone that likes to draw, you may call her “doodle bug.”. So you have problems picking the right nickname for the person you like? Puppy – For the guy who follows you around like a lovesick puppy dog. “Sexy Steve” may be funny to you and your friends, but it’s unlikely you will be introducing yourself as that when meeting your partner’s parents for the first time. 36. Nicknames for Boys. Under armor we shriek. If someone was really into fashion their nickname could be “Vogue”, or if they were originally from California they could be named “Cali”. You ready for some 1920s style gangster nicknames? 14. Honey Buns – For the guy with sweet buns! Trying to introduce yourself regularly as “The Lover Maker” will not only make people avoid you, but it definitely will not catch on. Cute nicknames can make a person feel very special. 16. Perfect – For the guy who makes you happy no matter what he does. In fact, it’s also quite common for people to introduce themselves as their first and second name, rather than their first and last. Nothing could ever replace my best friend.”, 7. My name is Tatiana, but my friends and family call me Tutta. 49. “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”, 17. Sweet Little Dumpling – A woman with a curvy figure that likes to show off her curves will appreciate this one. 45. Cowboy – For the rugged and wild man. Agapi-Mou – Greek for “my love”. “Rain or Shine. 48. Lover Boy. Dearie – A great pet name for the guy who doesn’t like “cutesy” nicknames. 43. Other variations include ironic adjectives. Stud: Make your guy feel attractive with this nickname. i want a name for a teasy boy like a cartoon, My guy friend and I got really close and I like him but were both in a relationship what can I call him as a nickname, MAMA means husband or one you gonna marry in tamil language. This can also be a good idea if your first name is difficult to pronounce or very long, and if your surname is simple. “When it hurts to look back and you’re afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.”, 26. “FRIENDS help you see the sunshine through the rain.”, 39. When you really get to know someone as well as you do a best friend, you can't just call them by their first name like everyone else! “Good friends are like Stars. Thankfully, there are several ways you can come up with a nickname for a guy. 34. Other Half – For the guy you just can’t live without. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”, 36. Captain: He could be the captain of your heart. A great nickname for serious couples who are thinking of taking their relationship to the next level. Du is perfect for your male “FRIEND” whom you have secret crush on ???????? Dollface – This is the one that is absolutely flawless in your eyes. “Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”, 46. This turns names like “Elizabeth” into “Beth”, and “Frederik” into “Rick”. It’s important to note is that not all initial combinations can work as a nickname, as it is crucial that the sound rolls off of the tongue. Button – Cute and small like a button. Mr. Calling a woman gorgeous is always a good nickname. Do you have a favorite movie? It is a wonderful nickname for a boyfriend who is super energetic or troublesome. One and Only – There’s no one else in the world for you. Simple as that.”, 56. Don’t feel that people are going to be raising alarm bells if they find out. 46. L. 39. 50. Barbie – A nickname for a female friend who looks like a Barbie especially after applying makeup. If you are creating a nickname for somebody other than yourself, make sure that you are being kind. 9. Nobody likes being around the guy who’s regularly getting annoying at people because they forgot to call him “Terminator Tim”, or something. Wet towel. 25. 47. “Hard times will always reveal true friends.”, 15. Queen – She is the queen of your heart, so don’t let her forget it. 12. I love writing articles about what makes each of us unique and rare. Cinnamon – The girl that is so sweet and so good that the only word to call her is a spice often found in cakes and cinnamon buns. If you love his kisses, this might be the cute name for him! Classic. Such names include “Dick” from “Richard”, “Bill” from “William”, “Hank” from “Henry”, and “Ted” from “Edward”. 27. “No matter what happens some memories can never be replaced.”, 37. You can do something as simple as sending her cute text to make... 130+ Really Cute Good Morning Text Messages for Her, 318+ Best Happy Birthday Sister Quotes & Wishes, 190+ Really Cute Good Night Text Messages for Her. A sentimental nickname is more meaningful than a general one that has no backstory behind it. 39. “You’re the Betty to my Veronica.” [Or vice versa. 8. Bad Boy – The ideal choice for rebels and all-around bad boys. However, before I will show you more detailed advice, here are some quick tips to keep in mind. 35. ], 2. 29. “So blessed to have you in my life! Sometimes, keeping it simple is best, love. 21. Cowboy is always a classic choice that guys love. 9. A lot of traditional English names have nicknames associated with them that were established due to fads in the past. So, while keeping these basic tips in mind we provide you nine more detailed tips that will help you to come up with something that works. Check out the following articles for more nicknames you can call your friend: Now, it’s time to contribute your own quota to this list of pet names for male friends. “It’s the friends you can call at 4 a.m. that matter.”, 11. Similarly, nicknames can be used as a negative tool. Dreamboat – She’s a boat filled with dreams. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "abd99aef7387cc53abbad7c891d8d358" );document.getElementById("a543854f4c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. 40. We have the best ones for girls, boys, friends and boyfriends Hot Stuff – If he’s too hot to handle, this is the right pet name for him. Butterfly – The girl that has had a beautiful transformation in life. Dream Girl – Is she the girl of your dreams? Gasoline – A guy who makes every bad situation worse. Classic manly pet names may work as well, like “stud” or “stallion”. Candy – The perfect name for the man who is as sweet as candy. Of course, she is so you should tell her whenever you call her name. Lucky Charm – Does she bring you luck wherever you go? Meaning” “companion or friend” Related: Unique Boy Names. 33. “Best friends are the people you can do anything and nothing with and still have the best time.”, 30. Bubble Butt – This is self-explanatory, but be careful: she may get mad. If your nickname is difficult to remember or laborious to pronounce, then it’s a no-go. Firecracker – For the guy who’s unpredictable, exciting and explosive at times. Karlee on September 22, 2017: Lol my nickname has always been KitKat. Even if you think the name is fine, ensure that the person you’ve made it for is okay with it. 20. Don’t use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. Prieta— It is a Mexican nickname for the boys with dark complexion. Darling – A timeless name to call her at any age. 460+ Great Nicknames for Best Friends (Both Girls & Guys) 150+ Best Romantic Love Status Quotes and Messages. Anonymous on September 16, 2017: I called my boyfriend Princess.. don't ask why, it just kinda happened lol. Read more for 500+ cute nicknames that will make your special one happy! Not everyone knows that finding a nickname is art! Boobear – An adorable take on the classic “boo” nickname. You’ll find that making an anagram out of your name will produce some pretty silly results. Cute Nicknames For Guys. Honey – For the guy who is as sweet as honey. “The one who doesn’t tell you what you want to hear but tells you what you need to hear… keep that.”, 59. Bestie – A good nickname for a guy who’s your best friend. This is a pretty basic idea and is actually something that a lot of people do without even realizing. Always stick to nicknames that are low in syllables and easy to spell. Amore Mio – Italian means “my love”. Do you have a best friend? 7. Vato— It means dude! “Best friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.”, 22. Madison on August 23, 2017: One of my friends calls himself Burrito. Soul Mate – For serious couples who are positively head over heels in love. Crutchhhh!— The one who makes annoying noises while eating (But he looks cute) Thunderstorm— An angry friend but has a kind heart. Pet – Cute and cuddly just like she is. “Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up they lie down and listen for a while.”, 57. “The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you when you weren’t very lovable.”, 52. You can call your male friend stupid nicknames like — monkey, and he would be fine it. 11. Bubba; This is a nickname used to describe a best friend that’s as close as a brother. Do you two love to do something together? “Friends are the most important ingredient in the recipe called life.”, 42. 10. 10. 49. 1. ;) But seriously, there is really only one basic rule to remember when coming up with a great sexy nickname for your guy: Make it masculine! 21. When you really get to know someone as well as you do a best friend, you can’t just call them by their first name like everyone else! 44. You don’t always see them but you know they will be with you forever.”, 9. “Real friends don’t tell you pretty lies. Knight in Shining Armor – For the gallant guy who’s chivalrous and always rescues his damsel in distress (you). Again, this is another method that a lot of people do without even realizing. Colorful, full of positivity and hope, beautiful and absolutely perfect.”, 29. Call him “Enigmatic or Enigma” both pretty much mean a mysterious person. Fartstard – For a friend who lets out stomach turning farts. 34. Meaning: “destroyer of peace” A nickname like this is perfect for the guy who means the world to you. Precious – A person so valuable that you never want them to leave. “I am lucky to have a friend like you!”, 14. “Good friends are like snowflakes. Mr. Look no further as we have prepared a huge collection of over 460+ pet names you can choose from. 100+ Spanish Nicknames for Guys [Cute, Cool, Funny & Mean], 100+ Really Cool Nicknames For Funny Guys, 30+ Hilarious Nicknames for Male Co-workers, 184 Majestic Nicknames For Good Looking Guys, 100+ Lovely Nicknames For Your Girlfriend (With Meanings), 1000+ Cool Gamer Tags and How to Create a Unique Gamer Tag, 500+ Cute Couple Nicknames For Him or Her, 1000+ Cute Nicknames For Girls (With Meanings), 154 Hindi/Indian Nicknames For Guys and Girls. 13. Brethren: A brother or someone who can pass as one. Boy Toy: If you are friends with benefits, use this one. “Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. For example, if someone was called “Mark Katherine” they could shorten it to “MK”, or “Timothy Jacobs” to “TJ”. Cookie – So sweet and good that you just want to eat her all up. 38. Spanish Nicknames for boys. Cheers to you, friend.”, 51. Hun – A classic pet name, but a cute one. This helped so much now I know what to call my violent friend. 17. Every man adores this nickname. Guys are easy! Meaning: “nook or corner” Campbell (Cam) Origin: Scottish. “A true friend is someone who never gets tired of listening to your pointless dramas over and over again.”, 44. Cuddle Bug – The perfect name to call her when cuddling together and watching a movie. AWESOROO´S GUIDE TO PERFECT NICKNAME. “True friends tear out the sadness from your soul and seal it with smiles.”, 25. Babe – A cool nickname for a cute female friend. An anagram is where you rearrange the letters of a word, or words, in order to create a new one. Boo – A new nickname that is adoring. Love.