Tolerance Traits This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by EA or its licensors. lot_Wakeup_HighQuality – 10338 Cela faisait longtemps que j’en parlais, mais l’heure est enfin arrivée ! THE DRUGS MOD HAS ALL THE ALCOHOL STUFF IN IT AS WELL AS ALL THE OTHER DRUGS. The mod also comes with this optional package (if you do not wish to have it installed, simply delete it from your Mods folder). Simple as that. Beware that drunk texting might cause a loss of relationship with the Sim you drunk text. dÉmo mod kitty sims 4 des mÉdocs pour vos sims. dÉmo mod msq sims simlet. Hey, boo! It doesn’t matter if you remove her Alcohol system or not, it will be blocked, unless you unblock it through cheats. You can also become a drug dealer and make a lot of money fairly quickly with very little risk. Read more about that sketchy fellow here. Browse: The Sims Video Games. Le mod Apocalypse Zombie de Sacrificial avec ma traduction, j’espère que vous apprécierez. The main difference is that those “juice drinks” that you used to get will get you drunk with this mod installed. Basemental Drugs is a collection of functional … Vomiting, passing out, etc. The company promises to supply functional drugs for the SIMS 4. The animations are real and come with bongs, papers, blunts... you can grow your own or buy from someone with a “dealer trait”! If your Sim is hotheaded he or she might try to pick a fight with the Bouncer. Though SIMS 4 is available for kids as young as 12 years old, Basemental has only received one complaint so far. dÉmo mod triplis love and hate. The effects will be declining eventually if your Sim stops drinking. What this does is change all the juice names to real drink names. Basemental Drugs is a collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. Salut tout le monde, Jai traduit en français le mod Basemental Drugs pour mon usage personnel et ai décidé, après réflexion et une discussion avec Basemental, de la rendre accessible au public. If you have the Venue List from Basemental Gangs, please delete it and use the one provided above instead. Basemental is in no way promoting, encouraging. The mod features custom drugs, custom animations, altered walkstyles, altered moods, altered needs, come-ups, peaks, comedowns, hangovers, addiction, rehabilitation, and loads more. Basemental Alcohol. Basemental is in no way promoting, encouraging or glorifying the use of drugs in real life. dÉmo mod brazen lotus stands fonctionnels. Basemental Alcohol v 6.2 Permet la consommation d'alcool (ados compris), gare à vous si vous en consommez trop vous risquez l'expulsion du bar (placer le trait sur votre terrain au préalable) Vous pouvez utiliser la traduction de Basemental drugs pour avoir ce mod en français dans votre jeu Basemental Drugs. Teens may also get drunk, but if your Teen Sim tries to get drunk on a lot with the Bouncer Trait on it, the Bouncer will ask for ID. It costs 1500 Simoleons and will appear in your Sims inventory after purchase. Order drinks from bars like you normally would. C'est sans aucun doute un leader dans sa catégorie, ce qui porte la capacité d'émuler et de graver des CD et DVD ensemble dans un seul logiciel étonnamment facile à utiliser. A mod collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. This might end up in a relationship loss between your Sim and the recipient of the text or it might end up in them inviting you over for a party. Go to the bar with a teen, and start drinking, the bouncer will walk over to your Teen and ask for an ID. To get a hold of a fake ID, you need to buy one from your local neighbourhood drug dealer. I've spent my whole life re-creating the outfits seen in Persona 5 into the Sims 4! Optional package that removes the visibility of the base game buffs you get from drinking from kegs. Of course removing the mod removes the trait. DO NOT INSTALL BOTH BASEMENTAL DRUGS AND BASEMENTAL ALCOHOL AT THE SAME TIME! If your Sim drinks way too much the bouncer might try to kick him or her out of the venue. To get a hold of alcohol in game, just order drinks from the bars like you normally would. Continuando a utilizzare questo sito senza modificare le impostazioni dei … Basemental Drugs is a collection of fully functional drugs and drug related activities for The Sims 4. loot_Wakeup – 11005. Sleeping it off usually helps, though. SIMS are known to slip into dark narratives in the mod, turning to the sex trade or pickpocketing. Basemental Gangs. Hangovers This will make a randomly generated townie appear on the lot to make sure everyone is behaving. Improved step by step gameplay details how this mod works and all features. This includes beer kegs, beer pong and all the accompanying buffs. Hangover depends on how many drinks you have per day. Troubleshooting; Credits; This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by EA or its licensors. Questo sito utilizza i cookie per fonire la migliore esperienza di navigazione possibile. Les Sims 4 vont encore plus loin !Grâce à un internaute, il est maintenant possible de faire consommer différentes drogues à nos Sims. Drunk Texting Download the updated mod from this … During open hours your employees will split into different tasks. ks dÉmo mod petsitter fr. You can add a Bouncer Lot Trait to any nightclub or bar venue. Réaliser cette traduction n’a pas été une mince affaire. The reply your Sim will get in return depends on the additional buffs your Sim has from being drunk. The more you drink, the drunker your Sim will become. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by EA or its licensors. DO NOT INSTALL BOTH BASEMENTAL DRUGS AND BASEMENTAL ALCOHOL AT THE SAME TIME! dÉmo mod basemental drogues. Find their other files; basemental drugs; ... Oulah, alors pour commencer je crois que tu n'as pas besoin de "Basemental alcohol" si tu utilise "Basemental drugs" car c'est inclus (c'était en tout cas le cas avant la mise à jour). This mod overrides the following tuning files: Your Sim will get drunk off them. Hoe It Up Mod. THE DRUGS MOD HAS ALL THE ALCOHOL STUFF IN IT AS WELL AS ALL THE OTHER DRUGS. If the trait is not in the actual game it won't be attached to the Sim. I recommend putting it in a separate folder in your Mods folder as the Venue List will stay separated from Basemental Gangs going forward. alcohol 下載 Gratuit Télécharger logiciels à UpdateStar - L'alcool donne une nouvelle signification au mot multimedia ! dÉmo mod kawaiistacie ibot. Blocks Slice of Life Drunk Buffs Optional package with real drink names that will replace the juice names with the names of real drinks. Turns The Sims 4 juices into functional alcohol. As an example; McDillian’s Single Nect is most likely based on Macallan Single Malt, so with this package it is called McDilian’s Single Malt. I have however tried to stay clear of brand names and also tried to stay true to the Sims lore. The mod features custom drugs, custom animations, altered walkstyles, altered moods, altered needs, come-ups, peaks, comedowns, hangovers, addiction, rehabilitation, and loads more. This buff lasts for 5 days and is refreshed every time your Sim drinks more alcohol. You can buy these traits through the rewards store. Jump to content. All the content of the in-development Patreon version will eventually be released to the public as a free public release. If your Sim has the hot-headed trait this ordeal might end up in a fight. This website requires you to be 18 years of age or older. Traductions (Mods) Existing user? Basemental Gangs Créez et devenez le plus puissant gang dans le monde des Sims Publique v5.11.52 Patreon v6.15.60 Basemental Alcohol. Example #2; The drink Ridgeport is most likely based on a Manhattan, Bridgeport is a town in Sims 3, so the name is changed to Bridgeport. loot_Wakeup_LowQuality – 10297 Verify your age to view the content, or click "Exit" to leave. As of version 4.1 tolerance traits has been implemented to the mod. Basemental Gangs is an extensive add-on to Basemental Drugs. Do not install this if you have Basemental Drugs installed. Le voilà enfin en ligne ! loot_Wakeup_Failure – 9668 The Basement Health Association is a non-profit professional trade organization whose purpose is to educate the general public about water diversion, waterproofing, structural repair, building and basement health industries and connect them with highly reputable, BHA-Certified home improvement contractors. This feature was bugged and is fixed again in version 5.0. Bouncers (Lot Trait) Basemental Drugs en français 9 décembre 2019 22 février 2021 Candyman 332 Views alcool, Basemental, cannabis, drogue 0 min read La voici la traduction française de Basemental Drugs. By Cinthila. Head over to the shop and get yourself some fresh merchandise! Basemental Alcohol. N’hésitez pas à me signaler si vous trouvez des erreurs ou des fautes d’orthographe. The principal idea behind this weed mod Sims 4 is realism as people in real life can be very much interested in doing drugs. Basemental Shop. Basemental Gangs. The added buff FX are still present in your game, this is largely to prevent clogging up your UI with a gazillion buffs. Place the Bouncer Lot trait on any bar or nightclub in your game. Here is the list of 20 best Sims 4 Mods 2020: Sims 4 Mods. Your Sim will also get a few random additional buffs and moodlets dependant on how drunk your Sim is. This website requires you to be 18 years of age or older. THIS IS ONLY MEANT FOR PEOPLE WHO ONLY WANT THE ALCOHOL PART! The drunker he or she was, the heavier the hangover. Why BHA? Basemental Gangs Créez et devenez le plus puissant gang dans le monde des Sims Publique v5.11.52 Patreon v6.15.60 Basemental Alcohol Permet la consommation d’alcool (ados inclus), gare à vous si vous en consommez trop vous risquez l’expulsion du bar (placer le trait sur votre terrain au préalable). > Mr. Z has high tolerance, smokes normal quality. This will also replace the “juice” stuff from the Discover University Expansion Pack with “beer” and various types of beer. Luckily, OhMy!! Whenever your Sim is drunk, wasted or starting to sober up, you can click on your Sims phone and select Drunk Text. I am sure your Sim will drink like a responsible adult, but if that is not the case, here are some of the side effects that might occur. Sims who keeps on drinking a bunch of alcohol will eventually get an “Addicted to Alcohol” buff. Verify your age to view the content, or click "Exit" to leave. Overindulging is never a good thing. Drinking To purchase a Fake-ID, click any computer in game and order it through the “Order” menu. If you are updating, delete the old files from your Mods folder first, Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file, Place the extracted files directly in your Mods folder, Folder location: Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods, Enable Script Mods and CC in your TS4 game settings. If your Teen has a fake ID in his or her inventory the bouncer will not hassle your Teen any longer. dÉmo mod basemental alcool. If your Sim gets wasted on a lot with a bouncer on it the bouncer might notice and tell your Sim to leave the premises. . Basemental Drugs is a collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. Bouncers. loot_Wakeup_MedQuality – 10294 -Click basemental drugs icon-Click "settings"-Click "Assign NPC" (Shaman is different from drug dealer, drug dealer is the one with the weed)-Choose who you want to be your drug dealers-Make sure you've greeted them with an introduction or the options will not show up to buy *good stuff* from them! - Sims 4 - Dans l'index vous trouverez des Mods Sims 4 traduits en français comme Explore mod, Wickedwhims, Life Manager ou les Mods de cuisine. If your Sim is drunk or wasted he or she can click on the phone and send a drunk text. dÉmo mod szemoka certificat de naissance. If your Sim is not under the influence while the buff is active, he or she might get a lot of negative debuffs until he or she drinks more alcohol. Basemental is an independent platform which features a special attention on the contemporaries musical languages and the interaction with the others artistic disciplines. Type in “bma_cheats” to access the cheat list. In order to use these mods without any issues, you need to download the Venue List to enable custom venues in your game. The outcome of the reply you will get from these texts is dependant on the additional buffs your Sim has from being drunk. This is a gradual thing where the Sims will become more drunk the more they drink. Je publierai régulièrement des mises à jour car je … Underage Drinking Real Drink Names The more you drink, the drunker your Sim will become. Basemental Alcohol. If you already downloaded or are planning to download Basemental Drugs, you do not need Basemental Alcohol as all it's features and more is already included in Basemental Drugs. The idea is to add more realism for people who want to add some illegal virtual flavour to their game. Place the Bouncer Lot trait on any bar or nightclub in your game. If your teen can’t show the bouncer an ID he will get kicked out. If your Sim drinks too much alcohol he or she might experience negative effects from it. If your Sim drinks way too much the bouncer might try to kick him or her out of the venue. The Sims 4 Basemental Gangs Mod completely updated from my last video. Basemental Drugs is a collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. Do you think that this particular mod will be banned from our country? (If you use another mod that also utilizes these and overrides them, these mods will conflict), loot_Wakeup_Nap – 10361 Removing Alcohol Heavyweight reward trait by fayemoonlight in thesims. Drinking Alcohol. Basemental is in no way promoting, encouraging or glorifying the use of drugs in real life. As mentioned above, just order or craft a drink from any bar in game, and drink it. If you decide to pledge to Patreon however, it is your only viable solution to really support me and my work, and you will get access to the in-development version of … Your Sim will get hangovers the day after drinking. As mentioned above, just order or craft a drink from any bar in game, and drink it. Sims 4 - Traduction FR Basemental Drugs - Traductions . THIS IS ONLY MEANT FOR PEOPLE WHO ONLY WANT THE ALCOHOL PART! Mod Poissonnier : vendez, troquez ou cuisinez votre poisson ! Sims 4 - Traduction FR Basemental Drugs (V.2) Followers 257. basementalcc 0 points 1 point 2 points 10 months ago . Ça y est ! As of version 5.0 this mod blocks KawaiiStacie’s Slice of Life drunk buffs.